Learn the same Leadership Secrets as... 

If You Need to Succeed as a Leader in 2025

REVEALED: The Ultimate Guide To Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Self-Doubt… And Smashing Through Your Bosses Expectations In The Next 3-6 Months

… All while earning the respect of your peers and team members … all this before burning yourself out or reading outdated management books with a bunch of “dry” leadership theories

If You Need to Succeed as a Leader in 2025

REVEALED: The Ultimate Guide To Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Self-Doubt… And Smashing Through Your Bosses' Expectations In The Next 3-6 Months

… All while earning the true respect of your peers and team members … and before burning yourself out or reading outdated management books with a bunch of “dry” leadership theories

What is “Leadership Mindset 2.0”?
Leadership Mindset 2.0 is the seemingly counterintuitive, yet most effective approach to quickly becoming a highly-effective leader.

The kind of leader that is truly confident, strategically effective, and creates highly engaged, skilled, and productive teams in any organization lucky enough to have them.

Better yet, this leadership “system” empowers leaders to do all of this WITHOUT unsustainable, unhealthy, or unethical bully tactics, micromanaging, or 24/7 work schedules and messages.

In fact, when you learn the system, you'll be blown away by how much more work/life balance you free up, even as you shift to working on more strategic projects.

Yes, this IS possible - and even EASY - when you have Leadership Mindset 2.0.
Get the book plus 8 Instantly Actionable Tools
In addition to getting both the Kindle and Audiobook copy of the 3x Book of the Year winning Leadership Mindset 2.0, you get these 8 tools and templates you can start using right away 

(**Tools and Templates only available when ordered on this site):

The Leadership Mindset Scorecard - A quick, interactive 20 question assessment

The Blindspot Detector - Identify your leadership blind spots to unlock your full potential

The Imposter Syndrome Assassin - A powerful video to help you overcome self-doubt and instantly boost your confidence

The Self-Reporting Team Accountability Tracker - Empower your team to hold themselves accountable for meeting goals and commitments

The Delegation Flowchart - An easy-to-use system for delegating anything, to anyone, the right way - every time

Growth Leadership Style Assessment - Get an accurate picture of your leadership style, including how you best communicate and how to maximize your natural strengths

Complex Decision Blueprint - A worksheet to guide you through the process of making complex decisions with confidence

Strategic Relationship NavigatorA map to help you connect and engage with others on a strategic level., to anyone, the right way - every time
Download Leadership Mindset 2.0 Now
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Download the Leadership Mindset 2.0 eBook and Audio Book PLUS the 8 Bonus Tools & Templates* for just $14.40
*Tools & Template pack only available when ordered here 
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Some of the common issues the book solves: 
  How learning the Growth Leadership model will supercharge not just your leadership ability; but also your friendships, partnerships, and family as well…
All Explained On Page 11
  The Critical Process for Unlocking True Confidence AND How the Step-By-Step Growth Leadership Process gives you this unshakeable resilience that every leader needs...
All Explained On Page 13
  The Truth about What Your Team Wants and truly needs from you, what they DON’T, and why what you’re doing now is training them to underperform…
All Explained On Page 178
  ​Why the "old school" approach of leadership almost guarantees you’ll lose, or never earn, the respect of your team…
All Explained On Page 15
  The huge mistake nearly every leader makes when trying to look authentic and confident and what the thousands of leaders using Leadership 2.0 are doing instead…
All Explained On Page 57
  The little-known secret around getting any team engaged, regardless of whether you build the team from scratch or inherited it, in order to create long-term, sustained success (WITHOUT sacrificing your values) 
All Explained On Page 202
  The huge mistake nearly every leader makes when trying to look authentic and confident and what the thousands of leaders using Leadership 2.0 are doing instead…
All Explained On Page 57
  ​The truth about authenticity and vulnerability, and why trying to be like that without learning THIS skill, will work against you 
All Explained On Page 140
  ​Why you DON’T need to read more books, watch more TED talks, or earn an MBA to teach you how to lead from a place of helping and growing others (trust me, I did all that Already...)
All Explained On Page 178
  ​The critical formula to successfully having difficult conversations with anyone (handy graphic included) - and why you should toss out the scripts you got from HR right away… 
All Explained On Page 223
  ​How to empower and win over each and every one of your team members, inspiring loyalty and respect (you’ll understand more about them with this one simple tool than you’ve ever thought possible)
All Explained On Page 194
  ​​The true definition of “imposter syndrome”, why it's massively common in highly driven people, and how you can immediately overcome it - permanently
All Explained On Page 144
  ​​How to make yourself “senior leader ready”, giving you the natural ability to have strategic conversations and earn the trust of high-level leaders, without faking it or feeling out of place 
All Explained On Page 254
  ​The exact tool I use to get people to hold THEMSELVES accountable, taking the pressure off of me while bringing out the best in them (and yes, that means no more missed deadlines)
All Explained On Page 185
  ​Why everything you know about thinking and acting more strategically is wrong and the ridiculously simple solution you can use immediately...
All Explained On Page 245
  ​The step-by-step process to delegating tasks - both big and small - that reduces every bit of risk so you can focus on the important strategic things...
All Explained On Page 239
  Case studies that prove how my approach works in any leadership role, in any country, in any industry - and with any leader, no matter what your natural disposition
All Explained On Page 24, 39, 102, 177, 194, 201, 222, 234
  Discover the exact process on how to create a culture so strong that team members will love working in, that demands everyone brings their best everyday, and that will give the resilience, agility, and performance so quickly that will make other leaders wonder how you did it 
All Explained On Page 224
  How to effortlessly move from trying to be “nice” and friends with everyone, to living your values, making rock-solid commitments, and creating clear boundaries, resulting in earning people’s respect and being a go-to person in your company
All Explained On Page 233
  The little-know neuroscience trick that can transform you into a confident, connected, empathetic leader in literally the speed of a thought
All Explained On Page 30
  Learn the little-known hack that top CEO’s use to manage their stress and energy and keep themselves at the top of their game no matter what kind of chaos and drama is going on around them 
All Explained On Page 122
  Arm yourself with how hold people accountable - without bullying, cajoling, or threatening - instead from a place of mutual respect and empowerment 
All Explained On Page 197
  vulnerability - and why that’s causing people to lose the respect of their team 
All Explained On Page 60
  Uncover the #1 blindspot that almost every leader has that causes them to self-sabotage, lose confidence, and keep themselves stuck; and what you need to overcome it right now
All Explained On Page 99
It's not just the book, there's 8 included tools & templates
Here's Everything You're Getting For Only $14.40 Today


The Book: Leadership Mindset 2.0

How You Can Unlock Your Uniquely Impactful Leadership Style, Earn The Respect Of Your Peers, And Build Highly Engaged, Effective, And Productive Teams 

(in eBook AND Audiobook Versions)


The Leadership Mindset Scorecard

Take this short, interactive 20 question assessment to find out how you stack up in your leadership and what to focus on first.


The Blindspot Detector

Identify your leadership blindspots to unlock your full potential.


The Imposter Syndrome Assassin

A short, powerful video to help you overcome self-doubt and instantly boost your confidence.


The Self-Reporting Team Accountability Tracker

Empower your team to hold themselves accountable for meeting goals and commitments.


The Delegation Flowchart

An easy-to-use system for delegating anything, to anyone, the right way - every time


Growth Leadership Style Assessment 

Get an accurate picture of your leadership style, including how you best communicate and how to maximize your natural strengths.


Complex Decision Blueprint

A worksheet to guide you through the process of making complex decisions with confidence.


Strategic Relationship Navigator

A map to help you connect and engage with others on a strategic level., to anyone, the right way - every time
Here's What Others Have To Say
Book Reviews
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Download The eBook and Audio Book PLUS the 8 Free Tools & Templates* For Just $14.40
*Tools & Template pack only available when ordered here
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Even the Top Leadership Minds of our Time know about Leadership Mindset 2.0
"Leadership Mindset 2.0 will take you from good to great for your job, team and company.

Packed with actionable steps to start implementing today and R. Michael Anderson’s profound knowledge as Social Entrepreneur of the Year, this is the book to read for every leader."
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith 
Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.
"This fast-moving, practical book shows you how to unlock your full potential for success, achievement, and unlimited income in a fast-moving world of greater competition.

You learn how to get more done, faster than ever before."
Brian Tracy
New York Times Best Selling Author of “Maximum Achievement, No Excuses and Eat That Frog”
About the Author
Author R. Michael Anderson, MBA MA, with his award-winning best-selling book, Leadership Mindset 2.0: The Psychology and Neuroscience of Reaching Your Full Potential
Here's How I Went From Feeling Overwhelmed,
 Overworked, and Underprepared…
To Being
 Confident, Capable, and Respected 
In Any Boardroom
Here's How I Went From Feeling Overwhelmed, Overworked, And Underprepared… To Being Confident, Capable, And Respected In Any Boardroom
All By Ignoring The Common “Wisdom”, 
Breaking The “Rules”, And Turning 
The Leadership Model 
Upside Down 
All By Ignoring The Common
“Wisdom”, Breaking The
“Rules”, And Turning
The Leadership Model
Upside Down 
Dear Future Leadership Mindset Ninja
From: The laptop of R. Michael Anderson, MBA MA

RE: Transforming your Leadership Mindset (and why this is the only way to get better results)
Before I created Leadership Mindset 2.0, I spent years struggling with my own leadership as a corporate VP then the founder and CEO of my business. 

I was secretly and constantly worrying that I didn’t have what it took to be a “real” leader.

I was working nonstop, taking on mountains of responsibility, and constantly jumping in with my teams to put out fires myself.

It wasn’t long before I was so stressed I could barely sleep in the few hours I did have to rest - even when I was nearly dead on my feet.

I thought it would get easier over time - after all, that’s what everyone said would happen.

But instead, I just felt more and more like a fraud with each day that passed

I was spending my commutes rehearsing my responses in case this was the day that everyone - including my friends and family - finally found out I had NO idea what I was doing.

And this was all happening because, though I didn’t know it, my leadership efforts were actually disengaging my team instead of empowering them.

So all I could focus on was surviving one day to the next.

Then, after a long story, which included some hard and dark times (that I do share in the book), and resulted in earning a master’s degree and a neuroscience certificate, I was able to turn it all around.

And that's because I finally learned what really makes ALL of us tick as leaders and as team members.

By leveraging this new understanding of myself and my team, I was able to:

 ✔️ Found, scale, and exit three enterprise software companies (two in California and one in Singapore).

 ✔️ ​Have one of my businesses featured on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies

 ✔️ ​AND get voted the #1 Best Place to Work that same year.

And to top it all off…

 ✔️ I even won “Social Entrepreneur Of The Year” while making the front page of the newspaper for my success.
And while all that was amazing and I was incredibly excited and proud…

The BIGGEST and most impactful part of this transformation for me was that leadership finally became the FUN and FULFILLING role I had dreamed of.

The weight of the responsibility was well worth it now that I was truly leading my team, my business, and myself.

And is it a Big Claim that all that leadership success can fit in one book?

It is true...

...but I don't expect you to trust me... yet.
so let me prove it to you
But first, I need you to read this disclaimer:
I know there are mountains of books, TED talks, HBR articles, and more on leadership…

And you’ve probably seen, read, or at least heard of many of them...

Only to find they’re just ANOTHER to-do you need to add to your endless list and quickly move on to the next.

Which means you and I both know that even though this book will give you everything you need to become the best leader you can be with a simple yet profound perspective shift...

It will only change things if you USE the tools I'm giving you today to maintain that perspective.

And that’s why I've made it as easy as possible by cutting out all the fluff, all the theory, and all the chatter or digressions. 

I’ve also created integration exercises at the end of each chapter.

So reading the book will be quick AND it will be easy to apply and practice every step as you go.

I’ve designed it this way because I know how precious your time is.

So while even those who read just the first chapter start experiencing the powerful mindset shifts for themselves (and see their leadership and results start changing right away)...

True transformation and mastery of these skills will take some time, consistency, and a little patience.

After all, it took me decades to learn all of this, let alone put it into a clear, step-by-step, actionable process for others.

But it’s going to take you a whole lot less time than that to apply the 
system, and truly transform yourself as a leader when you do.

One more thing…

I work on the neuroscience and psychological levels. That means the leaders who get the most out of following me have two things in common.

They are self-reflective and they have the willingness to grow.

Meaning they’re ready to take a look at how they are thinking and acting so they can upgrade their “core operating system” (to use a computer analogy).

In short, you’ll need to be open to a new perspective long enough to see if it’s right for you - even if you’re not sold at first…

Because the leadership I teach all starts with the leader themselves.

And the leaders who do take this step of growth see amazing results in a very short time.
I Did It All By Using A Completely New, “Evidence-Backed” Approach To Leadership That I’m Sharing With You Right Here On
This Very Page…
The same “Growth Leadership” model that managers, executives, and business owners from all over the world are now using to level up their mindset and leadership skills…

Allowing them to gain the respect of their peers and superiors faster than ever before...

Engage and empower their teams for improved focus, productivity, and effectiveness...

And best of all…

Grow their teams personally and professionally in ways that ALSO multiply the business’s revenue, profits, and customer satisfaction.
This is the same system that Trusted Brands (like my clients right here) have me teach their top executives…

So What’s The Main Difference Between Leadership Mindset 2.0 And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

It sounds backwards, but instead of focusing on the other people you’re leading…

My system puts the focus back on YOU.

On leading yourself first and growing as a person, which then allows you to grow as a leader and naturally raise the people you’re leading up with you.

That’s why it’s called Growth Leadership (the wholistic leadership system that encompasses Leadership Mindset 2.0).

And that’s why ANYONE can use it to become a better leader, independent of their teams, business, bosses, etc.

Because even with the “boss” title, none of us can control other people to make them do, understand, or feel anything.

So my focus is on you leveling yourself up by upgrading your mindset

The way you THINK about leadership, boundaries, and communication…

Which transforms you into a leader that other people can’t help but follow because you invite, enable, and support THEIR growth and agency too.

The leader that has the natural, easy confidence that never failed to put you at ease…

Who’s positive, optimistic, and supportive…

And who helps you see your own potential and grow too.

Rather than doing all those things I mentioned before in order to build a successful team, here’s what my leadership approach looks like now…

Which Naturally Leads To…

Living the life, making the impact, and feeling the fulfillment you’ve envisioned all this time.

For myself and all the leaders I’ve already helped…

That means earning the respect of our peers - not just in our businesses but all throughout our lives.

Giving us the opportunity to meet and become friends with some of the most powerful, successful, and impactful leaders on the planet…

And creating an unshakeable sense of pride, confidence, and capability as a leader.

The best part is that all the people I once idolized and aspired to be like now come to me asking for advice - and this is just as possible for you too.

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Download The eBook and Audio Book PLUS the 8 Free Tools & Templates* For Just $14.40
*Tools & Template pack only available when ordered here
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And did I mention, it's backed by the BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World???

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

I always feel more at ease when the product creators/providers believe in their products.

And I want you to be comfortable with this investment in yourself.

That’s why even though it’s only $14.40. as my grandpa used to say, 

“Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot.”

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download the books and templates today and then, more importantly, apply what you discover.

And if you’re not blown away by the results…

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 90 days.

Yes - 90 days. I’m willing to bet that you’ll be feeling and seeing the results by this time next quarter.

And if not, we’ll refund you your $14.40 and let you keep the Leadership Mindset 2.0 books and bonuses free of charge - just for giving it a try.

How’s that for the world’s best money-back guarantee? I’d say pretty darn good...

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 Frequently Asked Questions
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
This offer is special because you're not only getting the book in both ebook and audiobook format, you are getting a whole toolkit of different tools and templates (that you can start using immediately,) plus an interactive leadership scorecard assessment and a leadership style assessment. All for just $14.40
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes - I also am a keynote speaker, mentor, coach and train on Leadership Mindset 2.0 as well. Email us at hello@RMichaelAnderson.com for more. Also email us for bulk-orders for your team, group, or company.
Who is this for?
This is for leaders of all levels - from board members, to owners, to C-Suite & VP's, to directors, middle managers, and even team leaders. It's especially great for aspiring leaders to give them the tools they need now, rather than wait until it's too late.
Is this helpful for non business leaders?
Yes - a lot of coaches purchase the book to learn and grow themselves. Also, a lot of non-profit/education leaders also have found great success with the Leadership Mindset 2.0 strategies.
What is Leadership Mindset 2.0
Leadership Mindset 2.0 is a shortcut to reaching your full potential. It's a complete set of 48 mindset tools and strategies that leaders need to learn in order to become highly effective. It's based on years of research and uses the latest in psychology and neuroscience. It's also written by someone who has been a corporate VP as well as founded, scaled, and sold three of his own companies, so it's extremely practical and easy to start using right away. 
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Generally a lot of the other leadership guidance out there is either too academic, not practical, or flat-out doesn't work. By learning how you think, and how human behavior works in a team / group / company setting, you get to know exactly how to, for example, hold people accountable, get engagement out of your team, earn respect from others, grow your career / business, and do good in the world.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the book. No questions asked.
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